

Friday, October 12, 2012

Operation Smile

John 14:26 
But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.

     Ever looked at something, read something, or heard something that effected you deeply and you weren't sure why? Until one day you are faced with a circumstance and it hits you- God had been preparing your heart for this very moment....

     When faced with the hard stuff, I believe if you look back you will see Gods finger prints all over the situation long before it came to pass. Like hands tenderizing the heart, softening it to things that have never crossed your mind before and now creating a very soft spot inside.

     In my last post, I shared about a text message I had received just the day before Sophia's original diagnosis. As I look back even a couple years prior I can see how God has spoken to this situation long before I knew who Sophia Grace was.

     Long before my pregnancy with Sophia, I was looking up the website for "Operation Christmas Child" and while typing in the Google bar "operation" i noticed a pop up for "Operation Smile." Thinking they were connected somehow, I clicked on the link. I began watching videos of children in 3rd world countries in need of a cleft lip repair. The more I searched the sight, the more choked up I became. A particular video of a mother seeing her sons new smile and the translation reading "beautiful, beautiful." made me just ache. I tried to understand those feelings yet I felt like i connected with her. As I read I learned that these families would come miles, some walking or taking several forms of transportation  to put their child's name on a list and hope they are randomly selected for the repair. Many families are turned away.

     I'm reminded of this when i start to feel sorry for myself, or for Sophia.

     How to be grateful in the midst of an unfortunate circumstance..... Well, Sophia could have been born anywhere, to anyone, but she was given to me. Here, in the US, she will receive and operation that my insurance company will mostly pay for, it will be done and life will go on.... I am so grateful for that. And I remind myself of that when my heart hurts.

     I picture my self sitting at the computer one night looking over this site and Gods hand being on my shoulder. Placing burden for people in situations that I know nothing about, knowing that one day I would. That he would allow these things to come to pass, and was preparing me long before.

     Be sensitive to the things that choke you up and cause your eyes to well. Its the holy spirit working in you and molding your heart... Possibly preparing you for things to come or giving you a sensitivity to a work he needs you to accomplish.

Operation Smile: Son's Story

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