Braunschweiger Pate, a.k.a "The Poor Mans Pate" is actually named after Braunschweig, Germany and is a type of spreadable liverwurst, which is pork, liver and sausage. In the Midwest you can find Braunschweiger sandwiches at the moms 'n' pops shops and at your German Grandmothers Christmas party better believe there will be a Braunshweiger "ball" on the buffet table.
Here is my spin on the traditional Braunschweiger ball:
You will need:
1 package of Braunscheiger (found at most local grocery stores in the lunch meat section)1 Package of Cream Cheese (softened)
Minced Garlic
Minced Onion
Worcestershire Sauce
Chili Powder
Served with:
Olives (optional)
In a bowl add:
1/4 cup of ketchup
3 tbsp of minced garlic
3 tbsp of worcestershire sauce
1/2 tbsp chili powder
With your HANDS (yeah, your hands!) mix together until all ingredients are evenly mixed.
Now on your serving platter, form the pate in the shape of a ball or a loaf. Depending on the shape of tray I use will decide which shape my pate is. This time Im making a loaf.
Uncovered, place in fridge for 1 hour to set.
Once its set, begin to make the top layer.
In a bowl add:
Softened cream cheese
1 tbsp minced onion
and just a touch of milk
Mix together. The goal is to make this spreadable, but NOT watery.
With a butter knife, spread the cream cheese mixture over the pate until completely covered.
Let set again in the fridge for an hour.
The next step is optional:
Sometimes if my cream cheese looks too lumpy, or I'm sharing this with guests, I will dress it up with olives. Olives really compliment this appetizer.
Spread a little on a cracker and ENJOY!