It feels great to be able to come out and support this wonderful hospital. As they tape the parade live for t.v., you get a behind the scenes look at this process. When there are commercial breaks, the parade pauses and then starts again when back on air and when they do interviews with patients you get to watch or listen, depending on where you are sitting. The local t.v. stations and all their crew are there with camera's rolling around and swinging over your head. And for 15.00 you can purchase bleacher seats that guarantee the best view of the parade (And put you directly in front of the main camera.) Pretty cool!

After having your child(ren) spend a lot of time as a patient there you start to feel a connection to this hospital. When we first moved from Cleveland to Atlanta I almost felt like I was "cheating" on the Cleveland Clinic. I really missed the doctors and the familiarity of the hospital and its systems. But a year and a half has passed and I'm starting to build that same trust and connection with CHOA.
Next year make it a point to come out and support this hospital in a fun and festive way! Maybe I'll see ya there!